What Can You Do For It?
Best Practices For The Season
Truck Parking
Wash After Every Event
Interior Care
What is Salts Gone™?
Worker Safety
Available Package sizes
Salts Gone™ Application
Company Details
Maintaining a fleet of vehicles that is constantly exposed to extremely harsh and corrosive environments is a large challenge and undertaking.
Trucks, trailers, skid loaders, sprayers etc. have all increased tremendously in price, and equipment and parts have decreased in availability.
Proper maintenance and increasing the service life of equipment is more important now than ever.
This one is non-negotiable for many organizations, however, know that if you are bringing your trucks into a heated building, it is the worst thing you can do for them when they are covered in salt. Heat increases the reactivity of the salt with metals. Although this is a great convenience for your drivers and makes practical sense, from a corrosion standpoint, it’s not ideal.
Most fleets have a designated wash area, but clearly getting 40 or more pieces of equipment through takes
time. We suggest at least treating the equipment with diluted Salts Gone using a pump sprayer. Rinsing
with Salts Gone accumulates less water than simply letting the snow melt, and it will instantly address the
issue at hand.
Salt draws electrons whenever it’s on a surface. The easiest way to prevent corrosion from salts is for them to not be on the surface. As many people have experienced, water alone is not enough to remove all of the salt, and traditional soaps are meant for dirt
and oils. Salts Gone™ has a very specific purpose to chelate salts and remove them instantly. This is not
just for the open, easy-to-get-to areas of the equipment, but also the nooks and crannies. Salts
Gone™ will aid in the removal of dirt as well, however, it does not break down oil. This means it’s perfect to use in conjunction with your oil-based undercoating products.
Interior Care with Salts Gone™: Tired of salt residue or stains on floor mats or pedals? Utilizing our Salts Gone™ wipes, pump sprayer, or hose end sprayer will effectively remove the salt.
The last thing you want is for your vehicles and other assets to be eaten away by rust. If not caught, it racks up costs in replacements and repairs. We recommend using Rusts Gone as a rust inhibitor. Rusts Gone works by using tannic acid to turn ferrous oxide into ferric oxide. Sometimes, even extra protection is needed as a barrier over these compromised areas. Thixo-Trop is a thick coating that can be applied over rust. You can use it with the Rusts Gone, by itself, or you can add zinc powder for the ultimate protection.
1. Salt Removal Through Chelation
2 .Corrosion Inhibitors
3 .Surfactant (soap)
There are many different ways to apply Salts Gone™. For suggestions based on your own fleet’s needs, please reach out to us directly:
sales@GlacierChainUSA.com 907 345-0116
Hose End Sprayer- These will automatically proportion product into a hose at 1:100 ratio
Battery Operated Sprayer – This sprayer comes ready to use with batteries already installed.
Pressure Washer – Can be used with chemical syphon or from a premixed storage container
Wash Bays – Use your installed chemical proportioners
Pump Sprayer – Most ideal for very low water consumption situations
Salts Gone™ Wash Station – Wirelessly controlled and proportioned system that can feed pressure washers or garden hoses
Does Salts Gone™ work with mag-chloride?
Yes, absolutely. It is “Salts” Gone in the plural form, after all. Salts Gone™ addresses all forms of chlorides, including sodium chloride, potassium chloride, magnesium chloride and calcium chloride.
Will it damage our vinyl wraps?
No, it will not. It is 100% safe to use over any vinyl wraps.
Will it strip wax?
No, Salts Gone™ will not strip wax or ceramic coatings.
Can I use it over our lanolin oil undercoating?
Yes, Salts Gone™ does not emulsify oil. This means it will not break down or remove any existing undercoating on the truck. This also means that if your facility has a waste water/oil separator, it will not emulsify the oil and render that equipment useless.
Do I need to use soap after?
Salts Gone™ contains premium surfactants in it. This eliminates the need for another step in washing. Salt removal does not require any brushing, scrubbing or pressure. For the removal of dirt, you will need some type of agitation with either a brush or pressure.
Can I use it in a foam cannon?
Yes, absolutely!
How much will I go through?
Salts Gone™ has a 1:100 mix ratio. This means each gallon will make
100 gallons of finished product.
32 oz. Hose End Sprayer
1 Gallon Jug
5 Gallon Pail
55 Gallon Drum
275 Gallon Tote 40 count wipes (cab interiors)
Rusts Gone Quart
Rusts Gone Gallon
Thixo-Trop Gallon
Thixo-Trop 5 Gallon
Thixo-Trop 55 Gallon Drum
Salts Gone™ is a product of Custom Chemicals and Coatings.
We are a Houston, TX based company. The original purpose of the product was related to the oil and gas industry. Offshore platforms and equipment needed a simple way to prevent corrosion on equipment that was exposed to harsh and corrosive environments.
Since then, Salts Gone™ has found a place in the transportation, aviation and marine industries as a simple, cost-effective, and safe product to extend the service life of equipment.
Glacier Chain Supply, Inc.
4973 Eagle St
Anchorage, Alaska 99503
Hours 9am to 5pm M-F
Call 907-345-0116 for Appointment